Affilogic @ International Connecting Day 2012
Abstract Plein Ouest December 2012
“One does not have to be a big SME to export , as proven by 3 companies participating on October 4th in the 4th edition of the International Connecting Day to build and develop their export market.”
(…) By joining ICD, Affilogic, a biotech start-up created in February 2010, had other ambitions. “We are focusing our development towards North America and Japan”, explains Nadège Prel, Business Development manager of this SME with 8 employees to date. “We are on a market “niche”. Less than 10 companies propose such technology worldwide and we sign 80% of our contracts at international level. “(…)

Affilogic presents Nanofitins® at Antibodies Day by Atlanpole Biothérapies
Antibodies Day December 2012
Atlanpole Biotherapies, Competitive Cluster of the Pays de Loire region, organized a conference dedicated to Antibodies on December 11th 2012 at the Chamber of Trade & Industry. Mathieu Cinier, R&D project manager at Affilogic, addressed a panel of researchers from the region’s biotech companies and academic labs, presenting the features of Nanofitines and their competitive advantages over antibodies in a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

Affilogic is exporting to Japan and North America
Abstract Nantes Métropole November / December 2012
“Affilogic is one of the companies that will go to Canada with a delegation from Atlanpole and District of Creation from 25th November to 2nd December. Because Affilogic is talented for Export.
(…) Why? Because there are only about 10 potential clients in France – Pharmaceutical companies looking for new drugs – which is a limited number. Affilogic’s first clients – that can not be disclosed – are consequently in Japan and North America, where the market is more flourishing. Today Affilogic makes 80% of its turnover outside France. (…)”

SADEL Project : oral formulations of Nanofitins®
FP7-supported project SADEL (Scaffolds for Alternative DELivery) officially started on Jan 1st. This project involves 7 partners with Affilogic and aims at developing oral formulations of Nanofitins® for treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.